Prosperity sigil
Prosperity sigil

prosperity sigil

This will change the look of your sigil since you are creating the shape with the letters. If you are using this method, you may want to take into consideration whether you will be using uppercase or lowercase letters. In magick and witchcraft, pointed objects are often used in protection spells, so for a protection sigil, you could use sharp angles and spikes when creating the design. Arrange the letters to create a shape or a picture.įor example “I AM PROTECTED” becomes “MPRTCD.” Doodle these letters until you come up with a shape you are happy with or incorporate them into a picture that makes you think of protection. Then cross out the vowels and repeated letters. What do you want this sigil to do for you? This can be a word or a short sentence.

prosperity sigil

The way I create mine is by using the letter method first, which I will go over now. I personally use a combination of the two methods I am about to show you. Once you’ve decided what kind of sigil is best for your intention, there are several different ways of sigil crafting. An easy way to do this is to begin with an I AM statement, written in present tense as if it is already happening. As always, it is important to use positive language when creating an intention, focusing on what you want instead of what you do not want. Settle on a strong intention and make it into a short sentence stating what you would like to achieve by using this sigil.

prosperity sigil

However, the results may not last as long as a permanent long term sigil. These are activated by whatever method you are using to destroy them, burning with fire or dissolving in water as an example. If you want a sigil that acts fast but doesn’t need to be pretty, you can make a destructible sigil. When you activate it by creating it, putting your intention into making a beautiful sigil to display long term, it can take longer to manifest but the results will be long lasting. When deciding how you want to create your sigil, first think about how you want it to work. This also works in much the same way as tarot, bypassing your logical brain and tapping into the knowledge and power you already carry within. Turning your intention into imagery, such as creating a sigil, helps it bypass your conscious mind and cement into your subconscious.


Take tarot for example: the imagery in the Rider-Waite deck is full of symbolism in a way that just observing the art can give you an accurate interpretation of the card’s meaning. When we see common imagery associated with certain actions or feelings, we too begin to unconsciously make those associations in our minds. The reason that sigils are such an effective form of magick lies within the power of symbolism.

prosperity sigil

You infuse them with your intention by the very act of creating them. Sigils are as unique as the practitioner. The power behind sigils comes from creating the design, because it is infused with your intention and it is something that only you will use. When you make sigils yourself for yourself to use, it becomes your own personal kind of magick. I see people sharing and using other practitioners’ sigils online but for this reason, it simply does not work. The important thing to remember about sigils is you need to create it in order for it to work and it will only work for you. Chaos magick is different from folk magick in that everything is specifically your own ideas and beliefs, there are no traditions passed down or common knowledge or references shared. The way we use sigils today comes from the chaos magick practice. Thinking of it in this way, a sigil is like a magickal signature or seal that shows your authority in crafting your spells. Sigil comes from the Latin word for “seal,” which is also the root of the word signature. There is something in sigil crafting for everyone: a green witch may use them to bury in the soil near their plants to encourage them to grow, or a kitchen witch may draw sigils for health in their soups while stirring or breads before baking.


If you have never used sigils in your practice and you are a creative and artistic witch, you will love getting to know all about sigils and how to make them.

Prosperity sigil